Thursday, April 1, 2021

The Egg Hunt

By Elizabeth Muster

WC 144

Henrietta the hen peck-peck-pecked impatiently at Easter Bunny’s door. ““My egg is missing!”  

“Well,” Easter Bunny wiggled his nose. “I usually hide the eggs, but I’ll help you look.” 

They picked through Pig’s trough. His egg was plastic.  

They checked Cat’s bed. Her egg was chocolate.

They headed to Horse’s stall and discovered a bright pink basket with a white egg. 

“Where did you find this egg?” Easter Bunny questioned Horse.

“In the hen house,” replied Horse.

“That is not an Easter egg,” Henrietta clucked. “That’s my egg!”

Horse whinnied. 

The egg rattled.Then it cracked.

A little beak and yellow feathers popped through the shell. “Peep!”

“My baby!” exclaimed Henrietta. 

Horse hung his head. “I just wanted to find an egg like everyone else.”

The fluffy baby chick hopped onto Horse’s nose.

“I think you’ve found something even better,” said Easter Bunny. “A friend.”