Mix 'n' Match #1
Mix ‘n’ Match #1
Henry Hedgehog Finds a Home
by Elizabeth Muster
Used to Henry liked to roam
Now he wants a comfy home.
First he met some porcupines.
They looked like him with their spines.
“We’re much bigger, can’t you see?”
“So you don’t have room for me?
Can I sleep here just one day?
I’ll curl up out of the way.”
When night came he left again
At a barn he wandered in.
“Who might you be?” asked the horse.
“Henry, a hedgehog, of course.”
“I know some hogs. Come with me.”
“We aren’t the same. Can’t you see?”
“While you’re here, eat fruit with us.”
“That is nice, so I won’t fuss.”
Down the hill he found a plot.
Leaves, branches, the perfect spot.
In the soil he burrowed deep.
Eighteen hours he did sleep.
After ‘while he found a mate
Six weeks later there were eight.
Henry would no longer roam.
He had finally found his home.