Sunday, October 3, 2021

Fall Frenzy 2021

Thanks to Kaitlyn Sanchez and Lydia Lukidis, I wrote a little something for this year's Fall Frenzy. This piece is very different from what I usually write. But like me, it's short and moody -- ha, ha.  It's based on this image:

Halloween- Credit: Samantha Hurley / Burst

The Tortured (WC98)

The tattooed arm lunged through the darkness wielding a rusty blade.

The man dragged me across the field and into the abandoned shed.

My scream was lost in the pitch-black night as his knife dug through my cranium

-- deeper and deeper -- into my soul. Time after time, he jabbed through my tough exterior,

spilling my guts onto the splintered table. Then he deliberately carved out my eyes and slit

my nose. One by one he knocked out my teeth.

Fortunately, I felt no pain, even as he set fire to my body.

Halloween is torture for a pumpkin.  


  1. Creepy fun! Love that last line. Good luck in FF!

  2. Horror story creep factor and then the twisty end. Nicely done! --Melisa Wrex @mowrex (Twitter)

  3. Love the detail! Love the voice! Most of all, the last line was hilarious!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You really bring it in with the vivid detail and personification! Good luck.

  6. CREEPY! Great twist at the end of the mayhem! Good luck!
