Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Grateful for Summertime

Grateful for Summertime
By Elizabeth LaGrange Muster

I’m grateful for summertime
Slow mornings
Longer lunches
Ice cream afternoons
And reading past bedtime

I’m grateful for the tastes of
Chick-fil-a nuggets
Chased with cold lemonade
Or a McDonald's cheeseburger
As we eat our Happy Meals

I’m grateful for the smells of
Beef on the grill
Fresh cut grass
Rain soaking the concrete
After another shower

I’m grateful for the sounds of 
Disney princesses
Belting out ballads
My own ice queen
Singing “Let It Go”

I’m grateful for the visions of
Paw Patrol pups
Playing at the dining table
Even the stickers 
Decorating the door     

I’m grateful for the feelings
Of warmth and sunshine
Longer days
Even the humidity
Because the midwest is home

I’m grateful for these days
When writing is my work
A toddler, my only pupil
The playground is our classroom

And the minutes make memories